Korean Comic Affiliation Wiki

The Male Blind Date Tournament is based on purely the personality and appearance of the characters and pairing a Male character with a Female. For the respective tournament for Female Character visit:



  • The male blind date focuses on a single male character from all affiliated wikis.
  • 2 females will be selected from each wiki and will compete on a single poll to see which would be the best match for the male character.
  • The tournament is divided into two rounds. One to decide the male character and one to decide his best female match.
  • Each round will last 15 days.


  1. Nomination Round: an 10 days nomination round will be carried out within each wiki to decide for 1 male and 2 female character to participate.
  2. Registration Week: A forum will be created here where each wiki will register their nominated characters. A link of this forum will be found in the homepage.
  3. Male Round: The first round includes a poll where all males will be included and with the voting the male to be put through for the blind date will be chosen. The voting will last 15 days.
  4. Blind Date Round: The second and final round will include the name of the winner male character and a poll where all female candidates will be included. The voting process will last 15 days.

See also[]
